About a week after catching Covid, I started getting strange new symptoms that seemed to vary on a day-to-day basis. The chronic fatigue was still present but I now had numbness in my arms, legs and face. The numbness has a tingle to it not too dissimilar to when the anaesthetic is wearing off after a dental filling. I usually lose around 80 per cent of perceived feeling and am not always in the same limb at the same time. Almost as if the numbness is floating around the body. There is ongoing tinnitus and light sensitivity, that causes migraines. I have brain fog, in which I cannot concentrate or find the correct words during a conversation. One of the worst symptoms I have is severe short-term memory problems, where I forget what I am doing or what I have said. There is a sense of floating and being light-headed, in which you feel vacant. Whilst I have been having symptoms of the long covid, I have been having regular blood tests, which have shown liver damage. I had an ultrasound on the liver and it shows a non-alcoholic fatty liver. The doctor feels that it has been caused either by the covid or Duloxetine. I have now tapered off the Duloxetine and will have a follow-up blood test to check for improvements in my liver readings. My doctor has prescribed Pregabalin to ease the numbness and also fatigue. My perceived sleep has improved greatly but the numbness has not improved, so I have requested a referral to a neurologist.